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For Our
Extraordinary Campus

Deepen learning and community by caring for our local and global home and investing in campus resources


$70 million


  • Naming opportunity for 50% of new construction costs and a maintenance endowment

  • Naming opportunities for renovation and campus improvement projects based on associated costs

Our curriculum-based campus life program is an immersive experience that connects and enhances learning objectives across all aspects of academic and residential life. The school’s recently completed Campus Master Plan embodies our values and supports the intellectual, spiritual, and personal growth of NMH students. It also pays homage to NMH’s strong environmental and cultural heritage and its pride of place in the Connecticut River Valley.


The Gilder Center is the most obvious recent significant investment in our campus. But we have also added new faculty homes, the Li Multi-sport Center, the Calagione Fitness Center, and a new dorm, currently named Norton Cottage. We also have accelerated major renovations to Alumni Hall and the Blake Student Center, including Grandin Lounge. While this campaign will not fund every project conceived in the Campus Master Plan, we seek lead investments to bring these projects to fruition in the coming years.



We offer one of the broadest and most inclusive high school athletics programs in the country, with 32 varsity programs, extensive outdoor and dance programs, and opportunities for students at all levels to participate in athletics.


Our teams regularly win championships, and many of our graduates go on to play in NCAA collegiate athletics. Student interest in our programs currently exceeds space capacity. With the addition of a field house, all students would have access to practice facilities, including an indoor track and tennis courts, throughout the year.



Our student-focused philosophy seeks to provide the support and sense of belonging necessary for all students to excel. All our residence halls should embody this principle. New light-filled suites, lounges, and study spaces will create intimate residential communities, fostering stronger bonds between students and between students and faculty — bonds that define the transformative NMH experience.

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